
Struct combine_sorter



// In header: <boost/unicode/combining.hpp>

struct combine_sorter {
  // types
  typedef char32        input_type; 
  typedef char32        output_type;
  typedef combining_max max_output; 

  // public member functions
  template<typename In, typename Out> Out ltr(In &, In, Out);
  template<typename In, typename Out> Out rtl(In, In &, Out);

  // private member functions
  template<typename Range, typename Out> 
    Out combine_sort_impl(const Range &, Out);
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    Out combine_sort_impl(In, In, Out, std::random_access_iterator_tag *);
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    Out combine_sort_impl(In, In, Out, std::output_iterator_tag *);


Model of Converter that canonically sorts a combining character sequence.

combine_sorter public member functions

  1. template<typename In, typename Out> Out ltr(In & begin, In end, Out out);
  2. template<typename In, typename Out> Out rtl(In begin, In & end, Out out);

combine_sorter private member functions

  1. template<typename Range, typename Out> 
      Out combine_sort_impl(const Range & range, Out out);
  2. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      Out combine_sort_impl(In begin, In end, Out out, 
                            std::random_access_iterator_tag *);
  3. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      Out combine_sort_impl(In begin, In end, Out out, std::output_iterator_tag *);
