
Struct template multi_converter



// In header: <boost/iterator/convert_iterator.hpp>

template<typename P1, typename P2> 
struct multi_converter {
  // types
  typedef P1::input_type                                                       input_type; 
  typedef P2::output_type                                                      output_type;
  typedef mpl::times< typename P1::max_output, typename P2::max_output >::type max_output; 

  // construct/copy/destruct
  multi_converter(P1, P2 = P2());

  // public member functions
   BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ConverterConcept< P1 >));
   BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ConverterConcept< P2 >));
   BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((Convertible< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::input_type >));
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    enable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
    ltr(In &, In, Out);
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    disable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
    ltr(In &, In, Out);
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    enable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
    rtl(In, In &, Out);
  template<typename In, typename Out> 
    disable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
    rtl(In, In &, Out);


Model of Converter constructed from two models of Converter and that applies one after the other.

The second convert must require less input than the output of the first per step for it to work.

multi_converter public construct/copy/destruct

  1. multi_converter();
  2. multi_converter(P1 p1_, P2 p2_ = P2());

multi_converter public member functions

  1.  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ConverterConcept< P1 >));
  2.  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ConverterConcept< P2 >));
  3.  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((Convertible< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::input_type >));
  4. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      enable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
      ltr(In & begin, In end, Out out);
  5. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      disable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
      ltr(In & begin, In end, Out out);
  6. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      enable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
      rtl(In begin, In & end, Out out);
  7. template<typename In, typename Out> 
      disable_if< mpl::and_< is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< Out >::iterator_category >, is_same< typename P1::output_type, typename P2::output_type > >, Out >::type 
      rtl(In begin, In & end, Out out);
